
Dear Conrad Veidt fans and visitors of my Conrad Veidt websites,

There have been 5 years of hard work and dedication to my Conrad Veidt projects. I am happy to see that my efforts have been greatly appreciated over the time, and that I managed to keep the actor’s memory alive – and to help others to discover him, as well. Throughout the years, I got in touch with so many people from all over the world, and I am still amazed at the success of my websites! I am very proud and happy that I was able to get all the films of his that I could possibly find, and also many other items – books, magazines, photos, postcards etc. My Conrad Veidt collection is very large and I haven’t scanned it all for the two websites.

I also want to thank all the contributors of the websites – and I encourage them to keep sending materials at, and also to write their fan stories on Conrad, to share them with everyone on this website.

I encourage you all to keep fighting for Conrad Veidt, because he was one of the greatest actors in the world and one of the most impressive human beings ever to be born. I am sure he would have been happy to see so many fans who love him and who are so interested in his work and in his life! He deserves the best projects, the loveliest tributes, the most wonderful books, magazine covers, and anything else printed with his remarkable face. God bless him!

Continue to visit this website for information on the future updates.

And thank you all for your support!


Commemorating Conrad Veidt’s death & updates

Today we are commemorating the death of Conrad Veidt, who left this world on April 3rd, 1943. On this occasion, let us remember him in the best years of his life and through his film career. Today, there are some updates. Sorry for the lack of new scans lately. I was very much involved in academic activities for my PhD thesis and for the seminars I teach, and I also had some family issues. I promise I will continue to put scans on this website in the future.

The new additions can be found at the “Books and magazines” and “Movie stills” sections. Here are a few samples.

Together we fight for Conrad Veidt!